quarta-feira, julho 10, 2013

If you take too long..

If you take too long.. eventually, things will change.

If you take too long.. eventually, I will have to change. To survive.

If you take too long.. time will find a way to make things go wrong.

If you take too long.. eventually, you are going to lose me, love.

If you take too long.. eventually, it'll become forever.

segunda-feira, julho 08, 2013

Making love ~Seeley

"Here we are, all of us — basically lone, separate creatures — just circling around each other, searching for the slightest hint of a real connection.

Some look in the wrong places.. some, they just give up hope 'cause in their mind they think "Oh, there's nobody out there for me". But all of us, we keep trying over and over again.

Why? Because every once in a while.. every once in a while two people meet and there's that spark, and yes, he might be handsome and she might be beautiful, and maybe that's all they see at first. But making love.. making love.. that's when two people become one."

~ Seeley

domingo, julho 07, 2013

Keep on tryin'

Eu tenho bebido ultimamente — talvez até um pouco demais — e queria confiar a você todas as minhas verdades, mas não sei como te alcançar.. Eu fico tão tranquilo quando tenho a oportunidade de te ver sorrir, por isso vou continuar tentando.. Vou ser bem sincero, não posso mais mentir e estou tão cansado de chorar.. que só tem uma coisa que eu posso fazer. Tenho que encontrar um jeito de te convencer.. de que é sempre só você.